Contact us anytime at 1-646-235-1948 or 1-917-337-5081
City 1 is currently involved in several projects throughout the various business improvement districts that we service. the following is a list of some of these projects:
Spring and summer Horticulture Installation and Maintenance for grand central partnership.
installation of new design department of transportation street parking regulation signs for east midtown partnership, grand central partnership, and the garment district.
maintenance and repair of granite curbs, corners and pavers for grand central partnership.
Installation of newly designed and updated street signs for the alliance for downtown new York.
Refurbishment and installation of Canyon of Heroes Granite Stones along broadway for the Alliance for Downtown new York.
refurbishment and service of news boxes for Madison avenue partnership.
Restoration of tree pit guards for the Myrtle Ave Brooklyn partnership.
installation of art projects for NYC DOT urban art / summer streets program in conjunction with the international studio & curatorial program